Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Story of a clown in town हम ही नवोदय हो

Once upon a time there was a clown in a town his name was master clowny.
He was very funny and fun loving character, everyone In the town love him. He had lots of tails to told his audience in his show.

He has a special art to present intense topic in very light manner. One day he was traveling through the subway station and on fellow asked him from where he had learned all this art. He also praised him that no one can beat him up in his comedy. All this appriceation and praise made him proud. He told that there was no one who teach him this art but he is the one who invented this. He knows how to create humour and make people laugh. He forgot about his guru teacher from whom he learned during initial phase of his profession.
Days past, the time come when he had to perform in front of audience, he starts performing but to surprise no one is laughing and clapping on his act. He was very much surprised to see this.
Many of the next performances went in to vein, as no one is liking his performance.
Now he tries to self analysis but of no use. Then he remembered his grandfather and thought to take his help. He went to him and told his problem
Grandpa asked him from when this problem started? He narrated the incident when a stranger asked about his art and the source of it.
Grandpa asked the answer. He told again the same lines to Grandpa that there was no one who teach him this art but he is the one who invented this. He knows how to create humour and make people laugh.
Grandpa finally told his that you have forgotten to give credit to his guru, this is the only reason for his demolished career.
He realises and take the way straight to his guru's home to pay his gratitude and dues.

Moral: Dear friends we should never forgot our teachers and their contributions to makes us what we are today.

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